About Robert
Younger Years
Born in London at the outbreak of WWII, Robert commenced his selection for the Parachute Regiment when he was seventeen and a half years old (to the day) in 1957. He successfully passed the extreme selection and went on to earn his wings after a series of parachute jumps.
By the time he was eighteen, he was a Junior NCO (non-commissioned officer) and in active service with the 2nd Battalion in Cyprus and Jordan. On returning to the UK, Robert passed a War Office Selection Board (WOSB) and after a spell at Mons Officer Cadet School, was commissioned into the 3rd Battalion, The Parachute Regiment.

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Changing Direction
Some years later, Robert, now married with a family, decided to seek a new career. This took him to Africa where he founded an investment and insurance conglomerate in Kenya, Uganda, Zambia and Nigeria. He made regular forays into Bahrein, Abu Dhabi and Dubai in the early days of oil exploration.
Having sold his company to a major international organisation, Robert took his family to live in the South of France where he edited a financial magazine. The magazine fell on hard times during a worldwide recession, and he decided to bring his family back to the UK.
He took his family to live in the Highlands of Scotland, where he finally decided to look for an alternative lifestyle. He farmed a small croft to see if he could provide all the food that a family of five would need. This he achieved whilst gaining his MA (Hons) in English Language and Literature at Aberdeen University. After his studies were complete, he managed to buy a run-down hill farm in Aberdeenshire, which he toiled to bring back to a viable concern, running a pedigree and commercial flock of sheep, together with his dogs and horses.
He had not long been elected as the Lord Rector of Aberdeen University to carry out a three-year appointment when his first wife, Vicki, was diagnosed with a very aggressive breast cancer. Sadly, she died less than a year later. His children by then had grown up and were either at work or university.
Robert threw himself into campaigning a Scottish challenge for the America’s Cup. At the end of the campaign, which had lasted over many months, the challenge had to be aborted because of a lack of sponsorship. However, he used the same crew to participate in the Formula One World Yachting Grand Prix off the west coast of Scotland, then Germany, San Diego C.A., and Fremantle in Western Australia.
The Scottish challenge came second in the world. He produced a TV film for his sponsors on both of these events and was soon asked to produce other programmes.
Becoming An Author
Robert’s first love has always been poetry, and he has published a book of Miltonic Sonnets on the Falklands Crisis. It was just before he was due to carry out a one-man show at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, To My Pensive Woman, that he was to meet and subsequently marry his present wife, Maria.
Ever entrepreneurial, the couple created a number of small businesses and finally moved back south with their son and lived close to Cambridge.
This debut novel has been a long time coming, but it will provide a thrilling and thought-provoking experience. Robert has now been invited to produce an autobiography, which is to be called Ready for Anything (‘Utrinque Paratus’ – the motto of the Paras).

Contact Robert
Do you want to know more about Robert and the unusual turns his life has taken? Or have an opportunity you’d love to share with Robert? Get in touch today.